We are MVIA

Your path to unique merch, modern shading solutions, and professional foodservice equipment.
32 |+
years of experience working with global clients and local love brands
150 |+
employees ready to assist you
11200 |+
orders processed just last year
countries we're delivering products to right now
carefully selected and verified suppliers
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“Our customers’ requirements change all the time, and our strategy takes that into account. It’s not enough just to find a producer and order production from afar. We select our suppliers carefully. We visit them in person, audit them continuously, and supervise all production.”
Tomáš Bedáň – Statutory Executive
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“What is the key thing enabling us to offer original products and reliable service? A team of truly enthusiastic people with fresh ideas, who like coming up with new solutions, and who never stop looking for inspiration.”
Jiří Smejkal – Statutory Executive


From installing the first illuminated sign in Brno to operating a global platform for digitized merch and POSM purchasing and much more. See how far we've come in over 32 years.
1992-1997 - image


We begin with the first POS material installations for Coca-Cola in the Czech Republic.


Plzeňský Prazdroj also starts ordering promotional items from us.


We become MORAVIA PROPAG, s.r.o.

2000-2004 - image


We sign a contract with Coca-Cola Company in Atlanta, USA.


We continue to grow – by this year, there are 100 of us.


We launch our online store and print the first Specialty Merchandise catalog.
2005-2007 - image


We move to our current address in Brno-Řečkovice.


We obtain a license from Coca-Cola Company for the EMEA region and start delivering products outside Europe.
2012-2016 - image


We unveil a new logo and open a cooling equipment service center in Blučina.


Our products are ordered by customers from 60 countries across 4 continents.
2018 - image


We launch the major One Carlsberg POS project, the predecessor of today's MVIA HUB platform. We are now delivering merch to nearly the entire world. Our service center relocates to Jalovisko.
2021 - image


Asahi Group joins our online platform MVIA HUB (formerly My Source Hub) and we launch the first Ordering Window in the Asahi Brand Marketplace in September. This expands our collaboration from the EMEA region to a global level.
2023 - image


We have completed the acquisition of the Polish parasol manufacturer Perfecta Parasols, a company with more than 30 years of tradition. Thanks to this merger, we have become one of the largest parasol manufacturers on the European market.
2025 - image


After three decades in the market, we change our name and logo. Moravia Propag becomes MVIA, and our portfolio expands with three new brands: MVIA SUN, MVIA TEC, and MVIA HUB. We look forward to everything these changes will bring.

We Conduct Business Responsibly and Transparently


We regularly report on our practices in ecology, working conditions, business ethics, and supply chain management. In 2023, we received a bronze award, ranking among the top 30% of evaluated companies.

Ethical practices in manufacturing and trade are our priority. That’s why we are members of the Supplier Ethical Data Exchange, sharing data about our supply chain with customers.
TCCC audit

We meet the requirements of The Coca-Cola Company's regular audit, which evaluates social standards in production and operations among their key suppliers.

Code of Ethics
We adhere to the Ethical Business Program in our work. Read about the principles we follow.
Facility Audit
Our production facility in Boleradice is regularly audited by SGS.